Up to $500,000 Grant Over Three-to-Four Years
for Interdisciplinary Studies and Distinguished Lecture Series
Deadlines: January 1, 2007
Science can inspire greater reverence, wonder, and awe. It also poses with urgency traditionally religious questions of meaning and purpose, of virtues and values. Science provides a continuous stream of remarkable insights into the nature of reality across a wide range of domains. By giving rise to astonishing transformations, science changes both our world and our worldviews.
As the pace of scientific discovery and innovation accelerates, there is an urgent cultural need to reflect thoughtfully about these epic changes and challenges in a constructive dialogue involving the world's religious and theological traditions. One of the greatest challenges of our age is to bridge the compartmentalized departments of the modern university, engaging in an integrative dialogue among all of the sciences, humanities, and religious disciplines.
This endeavor must honor the details and complexities of each discipline. At the same time, we must not shrink from the task of building exploratory and substantive connections on issues of broad and enduring significance between the variegated cultures of the sciences and the humanities. While such rigorous interdisciplinarity is extremely difficult, the Templeton Research Lectures seek to foster significant new insights and discoveries that may lie beyond the horizons of traditional academic disciplines. The culture of the university flourishes when such great issues and topics are deliberated in open forums across disciplines.
The primary aim of the Templeton Research Lectures is to promote the constructive engagement and original research between the physical, biological, and human sciences and those modes of inquiry and understanding generally found within the domains of theology, religious studies, and philosophy. This three-year project is designed as a catalyst for original research and progress. The program seeks to create long-term networks for vibrant and broadly significant scholarly exchange and continuing interdisciplinary endeavors.
1616 Walnut Street, Suite 1112, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA
Voice: + 1 484.592.0304 Fax: +1 484.592.0313 info@metanexus.net