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This project is administrated by the Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science on behalf of the John Templeton Foundation. All inquiries should be directed to:

Dr. William Grassie, Executive Director
Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science
3624 Market Street, Suite 301
Philadelphia, PA 19104

Voice: 215.789.2200
FAX: 215.789.2222
Email: lectures@metanexus.net
URL: http://www.metanexus.net/lectures

The Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science is a nonprofit institution dedicated to education, research and outreach on the constructive engagement of science and religion. Metanexus is part of a growing network of individuals and groups exploring the dynamic interface between cosmos, nature and culture in cities and campuses throughout the world.

The Metanexus Institute on Religion and Science sponsors public lectures, faculty training, and workshops for congregations, research seminars, course-development grants, Internet publications, and community educational events in the Delaware Valley and beyond. Metanexus is also host to the international Meta Lists on Science and Religion with more than 3000 subscribers in more than 56 different countries.

1616 Walnut Street, Suite 1112, Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA
Voice: + 1 484.592.0304 Fax: +1 484.592.0313 info@metanexus.net