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The Amazing Light Symposium is
organized by Metanexus Institute.
All inquiries should be directed to:
Metanexus Institute
3624 Market St., Suite 301
Philadelphia, PA 19104
215/789-2200 fax: 215/789-2222

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Gala Oct. 8


The Amazing Light Gala celebrates...

Please join your hosts University of California, Berkeley, the John Templeton Foundation, Metanexus Institute, and other sponsors for an elegant, historic, and memorable evening.

6:30 p.m.      Cocktail Reception
7:30 p.m.      Dinner

Followed by awards, tributes and entertainment

Black tie optional

Location: The Rotunda Building, Oakland
Catering by Grace Street

Convenient parking is available near the Rotunda, which also affords convenient access to public transportation.

Tables seat 10 guests. Those who purchase a table and do not plan to use all of the seats will have the opportunity to host a conference speaker, Nobel laureate, and/or a young scholar award-winner.

Individual Reservations

Celebration Seating      $250 per person
     (on or before September 1)
     $300 per person
     (after September 1)
Inner Circle      $500 per person

Table Reservations

Celebration Tables      $2,500 per table
     (on or before September 1)
     $3,000 per table
     (after September 1)
Tribute Sponsor Tables      $5,000 per table
Laureate Tables      $10,000 per table

A percentage of your reservation is a tax deductible contribution in support of the symposium and its competitions. An acknowledgment will be gratefully provided for your records.

You may purchase individual seats for the Gala by visiting the registration page. To purchase a table, either with a check or credit card, please call Metanexus Institute at 215/789-2200 or email

No tickets will be issued. You will receive both an email and a letter confirmation of your ticket purchase.

Program & Venue

Venue - The Rotunda Building

The historic Rotunda Building is located in downtown Oakland at 300 Frank Ogawa Plaza. Constructed in 1912, it was designed by architect Charles W. Dickey who also designed the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley. It was originally built to house Kahn’s Department Store. This splendid Beaux Arts building is still considered one of the most magnificent buildings in the City of Oakland. Renovated in 2000, the building has now been restored to its original beauty and also completely modernized. The spectacular 120-foot high, 5,000 square foot elliptical dome is the largest west of the Mississippi.

The Rotunda Building
300 Frank Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, CA







Metanexus Institute | 28 Garrett Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 | Tel. 484.592.0304 | Fax: 215.789.2222

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