Spiritual Capital Research Program

open rfp -- Full proposal

For the 40 finalists only

Due Date for Completed Proposals: September 15, 2005

Guidelines: One original and eleven copies of all materials (including any appendices) must be submitted by mail and postmarked by September 15, 2005. In addition, please submit an electronic copy of the cover sheet and budget summary sheets in Microsoft Excel and all other application materials in Microsoft Word on a cd-rom or by email to: SpiritualCapital@metanexus.net. This would include the detailed research agenda, as well as all other required documents.

Content: The following is a description of submission items that will be required for all full proposals:

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Executive Summary – Statement of objectives, methods, and expected impact (1 page ONLY, bullet point format preferred).
  3. Names and CV’s of the Principal Investigator, who will be responsible for the leadership of all program activities, and the co-investigators participating in the project.
  4. A research agenda that builds on existing work in social capital, economics of religion, economic growth and development and other related fields. The proposal must discuss how the proposed research relates to the relevant scholarly literature and then makes a distinctive contribution to spiritual capital research. Make sure to clarify your use of the term “spiritual capital”. Please limit to no more than 25 pages.
  5. Demonstrated commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, including an explanation of the range and levels of involvement of scholars and researchers within the following disciplines: economics, sociology, anthropology, political science, theology, psychology, history, religious studies and business.
  6. A 24- month summarized timeline for activities (1 page).
  7. Communications strategy to secure publicity and published articles in distinguished journals and magazines.
  8. A detailed budget plus a budget justification narrative.
  9. Supplemental materials.
  10. Evidence of IRB approval or submission for approval for research involving human subjects. Please submit your IRB requests early, and in the event they have not been fully approved by the time of submission on September 15, 2005, please provide a copy of the correspondence from your IRB committee about their status for impending review, including the date when that review will take place. In no case will we continue to review an application without completed IRB approval.
  11. Evidence of tax-exempt status from sponsoring institution.
  12. Letter from a statistical consultant (if applicable). All proposals involving quantitative studies must include a letter from a statistician who has agreed to approve the research design and methods of analysis of the data collected.
  13. Professional biography of the Principal Investigator written in the third person and suitable for publication.
  14. A 200 - 400 word description of the project suitable for publication.

Page Limits: Please adhere to the page limits described above.

Cover Sheet: Please fill out the cover sheet and attach it to the top of the proposal. The cover sheet can be downloaded here. This form was created in a Microsoft Excel format and you should feel free to adjust this template by adding or deleting lines according to your organization’s needs when answering our request for information.

Budget Summary Sheet: Please copy the budget summary sheet and create a budget summary for each 6-month period indicating the dates of the proposed funding period (i.e. 1/1/06 – 6/30/06) at the top of the sheet. The budget summary sheet can be downloaded here. This form was created in a Microsoft Excel format and you should feel free to adjust this template by adding or deleting lines according to your organization’s needs when answering our request for information.

You must also create a CUMULATIVE budget summary for the 24-month period and a narrative budget justification. Please explain the costs associated with each line item from the CUMULATIVE budget summary only (you do not have to justify each 6 month period separately). There is no page limit but you are encouraged to be succinct.

The application must include a request for funds for the principal investigator or a co-investigator to attend two conferences in the Philadelphia area for project discussion. One conference will be in early 2006 and the other will be in early 2007. You should budget approximately $800 per investigator, per conference. Other members of the research team may also attend for the same cost but at least one member of the group, preferably the principal investigator, must attend.

Supplemental Materials: This section is created for all other relevant information that you may wish to submit for consideration. You may include brochures from programs your organization runs, website addresses that your organization manages, supplementary material on those who will be performing this work, research articles that demonstrate your knowledge of the target audience and their interests, or any other relevant materials not detailed above.

Grant Award: Approximately 10 proposals will be approved and awarded a grant of approximately $150,000 for a period of 24 months. Approval may be contingent upon minor adjustments to the proposal before the final award letter is sent out. The award letter will stipulate all terms and conditions of payment. All applicants will be notified of their status by November 15, 2005 , and approved projects will commence January 1, 2006.






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